Friday, January 21, 2011

Geisha ?

Salam peeps ;

Have you heard the word Geisha ?
Yeah , at first I was wondering what the thing is . Actually , my Fashion Department soon will be held a High-Tea ! Whoa whoa whoa (!) Interesting la gila !
We have to pay the fee for only RM50 . And yeah , I have no reason to deny it :))
OMG , I forgot to tell you that the theme of The High-Tea is "Yokoso Japan"
The meaning is Japan welcoming you :)

Okay , this is some of the info about Geisha I have searched

Okay what is Geisha really is ? The word Geisha literally translates to "arts person" or "one trained in arts" (gei = art, sha = person). It is also sometimes described as "women of arts, which is exactly what a Geisha is - a woman trained in the traditional arts of Japan such as dance, music, singing to name a few.
Courtesy of Immortal Geisha

Lastly , this is the makeover of the Geisha :

Can you imagine? I am going to have this makeover -,- *burr HOT-doh!

Okay thanks for reading Lovelyyy :D

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